What are your hopes and fears for your children when they grow up?

What are your hopes and fears for your children when they grow up?

Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character...

Are you a Christian parent with children that are approaching or are already attending primary school?

The foundations you build now really matter.

What are the foundations that matter, how do you best serve their development in your child's life, and how should this factor into your thinking about schooling?

Join us for a free parenting seminar dedicated to helping you apply biblical wisdom to these vital questions.

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As a parent, the schooling decision is one of the most important you will ever make. This seminar will be a valuable opportunity to engage with questions like:

  • ·  What are my hopes for my child's formation and education?
  • ·  Which are the foundations that matter most?
  • ·  Why should I consider the option of a Christian education?
  • ·  How do I best serve my child's formation in a secular schooling environment?

11 April, 7:30pm

37 Denver Rd




11 April, 7pm

5 Vriende St




11 April, 7pm

Protea Close




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